Sunday, November 7, 2010

Salisbury Falls, Wenhams Loop

I would not have thought I would be back at Salisbury Falls quite so quickly, but when the opportunity to walk with people from other walking clubs came along I could not pass it up.
Regardless of following in our foot steps from a few weeks earlier the bush still provided a different look and feel.
Whilst it had rain earlier in the week the track was a lot drier and there was less water coming over the Falls. This time instead of take the short route from Mt Warby to the Alpine View Track, we continued onto Lunch at Wenhams, (a drive in camping area). After lunch we continue north along the Friends track, stopping at Kwat Kwat lookout for the stunning views before reaching the Alpine View track. Towards the end of the Alpine View track we “attacked” by A Grey Fantail which we believe was protecting us from its nest, as I said at the start it’s always different.